What is Verbal Venting?

Verbal Venting is the process of expressing all your frustrations, anger, inner pain, negative thoughts and feelings and internal turmoil onto a safe confidential, non-judgemental empathic platform. 

Verbal venting sessions allow you to release a lot of personal tension or upset, which you may be carrying around daily and is being unconsciously expressed in inappropriate ways and settings. This can create damage to your relationships, work life and cause personal embarrassment, guilt and remorse which can hinder your life in many ways. 

Verbal Venting with a qualified professional who is trained to hold you in a highly emotional state, outside of your social circle allows you to freely be in the intense expressive moment and release everything safely. Without the potential of any family or friend altercations and conflict occurring. 

Verbal Venting sessions helps

Calm you down, so you manage conversations better

To reduce overly emotional or abusive outbursts in stressful settings

Decreases the potential of causing further conflict and unnecessary confrontation

Reduces Relationship conflict and mental and emotional turmoil

Raises your self esteem

You take back self-control

Stop tornado thinking and becoming stuck 

You to move forward with the situation

You work through your emotional internal state, rather than suppressing it

Prepare you for potential difficult conversations

Frees your internal chaos so you can communicate more effectively

Improves your social and communication skills


A 15 min Free consultation session will be needed prior to starting verbal venting sessions. Once completed and suitability has been established you can book as many or as little as you personally need. 

Verbal Venting to Reduce Your Built Up Pressure and Stress

One of the best ways to reduce your stress levels is to express your internal thoughts and emotions or “Verbally Vent” all the venom and conflict within you that is causing issues in your everyday life. 

When your stress levels build up, it gets bigger and bigger until you find a way to release it. Or it finds a way to unpredictably release itself, which is usually in one almighty overly emotional and/or volatile outburst. The problem with this is it can cause a lot more stressful situations, embarrassment, relationship conflict and family issues for you to deal with. Creating even more stress for you to manage and cope with.  Unfortunately, it can become habitual, so the cycle repeats over and over.



Talking with Friends or Family

When you are feeling stressed or anxious, it can be tempting to talk about it with someone you trust. The majority of people spend most of their social time complaining about what worries they have, work pressures, family conflicts, relationship troubles and generally what is stressing them out. But the main problem with this is that:

Most people do not express what they are really thinking and feeling; they complain at a surface level, masking what is really going on for them underneath, for fear of it getting back to whoever it concerns. Or they do not want to be judged or ridiculed.

Talking about it can actually make it worse because it gives the internal chaos, stress and anxiety more air time, focus, and attention. For example, if you had a very stressful day at work, complaining about it over a glass of wine, or a beer with a friend for 2 hours after work, just added another 2 hours, onto your already stress filled workday.

Most of the time the people they are talking with, either feed the anxiety because they agree and start badmouthing the situation, or the person in question too.  Or they take the opportunity themselves, to talk about their own stress filled day. Often, the conversation becomes a competition to see whose day has been the worse and try to establish who needs more airtime to vent everything.

Why is Verbal Venting Different

 “Verbally Venting” it solely for the purpose of releasing most of your internal pressure and stress in one go, with a professionally trained skilled person who is proficient at holding people in highly charged emotional states. It is the opportunity to turn the release valve onto full blast, and release all the pent up venomous thoughts and feeling in one explosion. 

Rather than holding onto your true thoughts and feeling which are causing stress, anxiety, fear, and suppressing them. Verbally Venting is releasing all the bitterness within you onto a safe managed platform. This helps to prevent any stress filled unwarranted eruptions occurring, in front people who you would rather did not witness your emotional outbursts.  Or projecting it onto the wrong people, so you are left with additional stress, embarrassment, or relationship conflict to manage, in addition to everything else you have going on in your life already.  

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